Friday, 20 December 2013

Conclusion of: Organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props

At the start of this product I gave a specification of my artists and locations.  A review of these points has shown...

As I wanted to create a hidden personality throughout my character, his costume would play a vital role in showing his confidence and the locations and camera shots used would portray this deeper.
For example, the pose used and explained in my cover page has been used to show a shy, covered up personality.  His costume relates to this as I have used a puffa coat.  This coat appears bigger on the character in the image.  This makes the character, neorix, look smaller and hidden within his clothing.  I have presented him with a number of layers.  By wearing layers of clothing, creates the same effect.  It displays his attempt to cover up and hide away from the line light.

 My first double page spread, down and dirty, neorix is wearing black.  I have chosen black as neorix is currently positioned at the front of the media coverage in my story.  The page describes the top places to visit.  The colour black, as a known tale, draws heat from the sun.  The phrase, drawing heat relates to him being the biggest DJ around at this time as the term hot/heat is found to be dominant.

My second double page spread, this was the best by far, is showing neorix in a more casual form. As the story progresses throughout the magazine, neorix is showing to be coming more and more out of his shell.  I have therefore removed the effect of the puffa coat, as position him wearing jeans, casual trainers, yet still wearing a black top as he is the dominant image across the page so I contrasts well against the white background.

The common use of the SnapBack cap is used as a trend throughout my magazine.  As the snapbacks commonly have a large peak, I have used it to create a shadow effect across his face.  This relates well to his hidden personality.

Finally, my last double page spread shows my artist wearing a jacket with leather sleeves.  This has been used to link well with the location of the shot.  The location is designed to look gritty, run down and out of the high street or line light. Leather jackets were commonly used to show a rebellious side.  Therefore, this links well with the location as back streets and run down areas are linked with crime and rebellious acts.
As for the image on paper, the pixels and presentation of the image are focused out.  I have done this to create a representation of a blurred past or future.  Life is taking over Neorix and it is almost like he is living a blur/dream.

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