Sunday 8 September 2013

First Blog

I'm Brad, I am resitting year 12 and wish to study media as I'd like a future in Architecture, virtual architecture or graphic and game design as they all interest me.  I feel media would give me an advantage.  

The trailer is very well constructed.  With varying scenes and camera angles showing of the world Rockstar has developed in GTAV.  The dialogue used compliments the scenes used in the video and allows views to understand what has been achieved.

Once again the images used compliments the audio.  The colours used help provide the music with at atmosphere.  Certain colours are brighter and make certain lyrics stand out from the rest.  This can provide the viewer with message gathered from the song. The frames used and split second changes from one to the next give the video it's own beat.  Again conplimenting the audio. 

The angles used help provide the viewer with a sense of astonishment of what Rockstar has achieved.  From the vast scale of the map, to the small details and textures.  The audio lifts the video and gives it a personality. Leaving us with a cliff hanger only leaves the viewer wanting more.

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