My artist goes against the stereotype of an outgoing, loud, confident DJ and instead shows a shy, hidden personality. My clothing, locations and props will needs to portray his story from beginning and as we move throughout his life.
To begin, to create an affect of hiding away, keeping himself to himself, I feel clothing could be used to make my character look smaller. For example, large clothing and layers could be used to make him look overwhelmed. The layers could be a good use to subconsciously show that he is hiding away. This would be best put to use on my cover page. This would send initial signals to my audience about my character.
This would be suitable clothing for my artist's top layer. It is a puffa jacket which will increase the scale of my artists image, whilst making his actual body look smaller within the jacket. Under this, may be a jumper and then a top. Creating the layers. This will go against the stereotype that DJ's have created by wearing singular Tops or T-Shirts.
My double page spreads will show a development through Neorix's young life. This clothing and locations should show this. For example, Neorix starts of with an overwhelming achievement in the industry. He is receiving a lot of attention from crowds/the public. A link to clothing could be for my artist to wear black. Black draws heat from the sun and therefore relates to Neorix being hot in the public eye.
Moving through his life, it began to move away and take a slight turn for the worse. It shows his ups and downs throughout his life. Therefore his clothing and shot locations should show this. For example, wearing duller colours, may a cap or hat. Using different angles of shots such as a high angle shot to show power over my character rather than a low angle which would provide him with the sense of power. Eye level shots could show his expressions in greater detail. I feel my second double page should show my artist sitting down. This simple pose would show that he is not so high up in the world as the first double page. It would make him appear smaller and therefore less important.
When showing my artist bouncing back, low angle shots can be used to look up at my artist. This would show a gain in confidence and power making him look more domination. Changing his clothing perhaps back to something similar to my first double page would show an improvement back to where he first began. Removing such props as caps or scarves will also make his face appear brighter and more noticeable on the page. This all creating a dominant synergy.
Finally, I plan on showing my artists rebellious side as he releases an album. A common trend with clothing in this area is the use of leather. Therefore I will try to use leather on my artist. Not only this, but a good use of location could be very effective here.
Locations such as canals, bridges and alleys could be used to create a rebellious, back street atmosphere. There are a few locations similar to this that I know that could create this effect.
I may also chose to use photoshop to enhance the effect such as using a black and white tint, or even blurring the image slightly to create a "blurred past" effect. It could tell the user that we may not be able to trust this character as much as we once could.