Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Font Styles

True Lies is the first font that I have considered to use for my magazine Masthead.  To me, this gives a graffiti feel, it looks like it has been drawn on.  It goes against the norm, very similarly to Dance Music.  I think this look good in black, however, Dance Music is mainly links to aluminous yellows, greens, pinks and blues.  I believe I could create and effective looking title with this font.

Top Secret is another option.  This looks "Dancy" to me.  I think the use of the two lines helps provide the font with a mood, or atmosphere.  It is almost the opposite of TrueLies in the fact that the lines give it the image that it is "straight", parallel and follows with the trend - much the opposite. 

Grafc relates to musical note in my mind.  The background image beneath the text looks like music sheets.  This can and can not be related to dance music.  Dance is mostly instrumental, which is why it relates a lot to the genre.  However, some may say, is it is most electronic music, there is no relation at all.  This may be a reason to stay away from this font.

Disco Night has Dance music genre written all over it.  As suggested in the name of the font, Dance music is often played at parties, disco's and other social clubs.  Up to now I would say this is the most effective and relative font for my magazine.  The white stripes across the font look like lasers, again used a lot in Dance Music Gigs.

Hot Sweat gives the effect of shattered glass.  It is a myth that loud music can smash glass.  Therefore I believe this relates closely as Dance Music as played LOUD the majority of the time.  As well as the glass shattering bass, the instrumental provides a lot of vibration.  This font also looks as if the whole word is vibrating.  I feel that this, along with DiscoNight is one of the better considerations.

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