Monday, 11 November 2013

Flat Plan Ideas

This is my first flat plan idea for my music magazine.  I have tried to follow some traditional trends as well as adding my own twists.  I have kept a strap line above the Masthead as I found this was a common feature in modern magazines.  This will not be the same front a the masthead.  I have aligned key features of the magazine down both sides of the cover page as I found that this was also a common trend.  The main coverline/artist name breaks this code and sticks out 2/3rds of the page.  This draws the viewers attention to this topic.  This will follow the house style of the magazine.  Positioning the bar code at the bottom right of the page keeps it out of the way and doesn't effect the mode of address given by the magazine. 
Having thought about the main cover image for my magazine.  I have also decided to have it overlap the masthead.  This is a common trend with most well known magazines.  By using this features I am almost saying that this magazine has a top reputation, worthy of purchasing.  My new venues section include the upcoming events mentioned in the cover lines on the right.  This shows where the tour will be heading.  This will also be the same size and font as the strap line. 
I have used clear Borders to define the edge of the page.  However they are not shown on this blogger image.

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