Thursday 12 December 2013

Producing my final drafts

The next stage was to insert some of my images and to see what they look like.  I have only added them to 3 of my 5 double page spreads, and not yet my contents page. 
I have set up an online wall for my class mates to provide feedback on my magazine.  Therefore I can take any suggestions on board, to hopefully improve upon my design.  Not only this but I can have my work proof read by fellow class members.  This will eliminate any spelling issues and punctuation.
Cover Page: 
I have changed my artists clothing slightly from my cover page.  He still has his hat on and headphones, however no jacket. 
This is a mistake, more variation should be used.  Although my research uses the same clothing throughout, some other magazines in my research do not.
Double Page 2:

Double Page 3:

Double Page 5:

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