Tuesday 17 December 2013

Further Development

After the completion of my contents page, I decided it may be a good idea to add some red into my cover page to allow a house style to follow through.  Above is my first design.  I decided to switch it up and change the picture back to my original.  I feel this cover flows well and looks professional.  I also changed my heading to block white which also gives a more professional, common image.  I have used the same principle in the fact that my artists name is positioned central, to the left and in a large, stand out font.  The same font family is used over the whole page to keep it flowing and sticking to the style used in real media products. 

This is another design.  I kept almost everything the same as before.  However, I changed the "EXCLUSIVE" to the text used above, and changed to colour in certain areas.  Improving the sell lines (below NeORIX) in both these models has had a dramatic effect on the impression of the magazine.
Despite myself liking my top design on this post.  I conducted a "survey" with classmates and concluded that my original design to the proposal above was the most popular choice.  As my classmates are part of my target audience, I think it might be recommendable to follow their suggestion, even though they are a small representative sample.

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