Friday 15 November 2013

Contents Flat Plan 3

This is a third idea for my content page in my dance music magazine.  I have used a clear banner across the top of the page to outline the page heading.  With all the text located on the right, the images are scattered on the left and above.  The angled image overlaps the image below and connects with the banner.  The vertical image on the left will not have a background.  It will include my main cover artist stood on the white background of the page, with part of his body connecting and overlapping slightly with the images on the right of it.

I have used clear headings/cross heads to direct readers to the correct area.  The white on blue area headings I think work well and I could add these to my other ideas.  I have again used clear borders, leading etc.  This keeps a clean, professional look on the magazine. 

Here I have improved on the above design by including my magazine masthead in the contents heading.  This also fits with the house style for this design of white on blue.

I do think this looks slightly better than the previous version.  Only the black now could be consider "odd" and therefore would need some consideration.  The titled image in the first version, has also been straightened on this version.  However I believe it would look better and have a better effect on the finished concept if kept with the original design.

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