Friday 15 November 2013

Contents Flat Plan 4

Here is my clean design.  With one main image of my cover artist on the left he will be stood on the white page, without a background on the image.  He will overlap the page and be stood sideways, but his head turn towards the direction of the camera.  One arm may be raised.  The text is again listed on the right.  This time only two topics are shown, to fit in with the clean look.  I have also switched up the title and separated it onto different lines.  I have seen some magazines go for this look and I think it works well with this design.

The above image is shown with frame lines on the page.  I have removed them for the image below so you can seen the clean effect I was try to accomplish.

Here you can begin to see the effect I was going for and imagine my main cover artist's image stood with text to the right.  I believe this page will need some work on the background, maybe a faded out shot of a dance concert/festival, fading into my artist image. 

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