Thursday 17 October 2013

Audience Considerations

Qualities that I want to reflect:
One quality of my target audience could be that they are very up-to-date with current music and technology.  I would like to reflect this in my magazine by including certain features, font, images and colours.  I may also be able to change the layout to lean towards modern times and give a more technological effect.  I may wish to  include exciting font styles to increase the artistic effect of my magazine.  This may mean that it also appeals to different types people rather than my initial audience, this giving me a wider target range.

My target audience may be inspired by my magazines.  I hope to achieve this with the design, layout and creativity of my magazine.  This may mean that my audience will eventually aspire to be creative in themselves in their future lives.  An ideal reflection of my magazine would be to inspire the audience to become involved in graphic design in their chosen genre of music magazines.

Magazines features and ideas:
Targeting the younger audience, I should keep text short and sweet - for the most part.  Including artists such as Avicii may increase its popularity.  Information on tours and concert could also be included.  Special offer may be offered to buyers of the magazine, giving it a unique selling point (USP). 

Advertising my magazine:
As my magazine is of the same genre as MIXMAG, this may give my the opportunity to approach their distributes.  With some luck, they may also be interested in my magazine.

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