Tuesday 15 October 2013

Mood Board

I decided to make a Mood Board on publisher.  As you can probably tell, my chosen genre is Dance Music.  I feel this genre will give me the most room for innovation and creativity.  Using my skills I have developed from creating my Deyes High Mag, I hope to produce a more professional Magazine.  I feel this mood board has provided me with inspiration and sparked a few ideas...

I have include what I feel is important to a Dance Magazine.  I believe vibrant colours catch the eye and give the magazine an atmosphere.  I have also included images of what a typical Dance Musician/DJ might wear.  As well as the artist setting (colours used during concerts).  I have noticed that pink, green, blue and yellow tend to be used more frequently with the Dance genre.
This, as well as the clothes, will be something to consider when I am deciding what clothes my artist may wear, and what setting they should be in.

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