Tuesday 29 October 2013

Chosing my Dance Magazine Title

I came up with a few suggestions, such as:

Having completed a survey, I have come to the conclusion that the most suitable and commonly chosen name is "VIBE". 

I now must decide on a front for my title.  For this I am using the website 1001fonts.com.  This will allow me to chose the most suitable style, whilst continuing with the Serif Font trend. 

Here are some examples I am considering:
Metro Regular
Kells Uncial Bold
Bubble Bath Regular
Shotling Regular
Chalk Line Outline
20 db Regular
Cleanwork Regular
All of these come with their own level of difficulty to read.  An important factor like that should not be just "glossed" over when choosing a magazine Masthead.  Although I do want it to look original, and effective.  It can not be over the top. 

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